
Czw total havoc review
Czw total havoc review

Lucky 13 curbstomps Wrench into those thumbtacks again and this kid might have been smarter to stay down for what turns out to only be a two count. The commentators note that Wrench will have to go through three matches in total but only if he makes it through this one. Lucky 13 sends Wrench face first into the pit of thumbtacks. So we had a Flash reference in the first match and now Thor. There is a spot where Lucky 13 tries to pick up Claxton's wrench but he can't because only Claxton can. I feel like anything that CZW has done though to tone back the violence has been good because the old cliche is about less being more. Maybe I just watched the death matches though because I remember some sort of high flyers tournament too. As I'm watching this match, I'm wondering whether or not the older CZW fans are mad at all that CZW isn't just seemingly all death matches, as I remember it once being. Wrench is bleeding and Lucky 13 gets a two count. That was a Lucky 13 move but probably did more damage to him. They battle on the ring apron, above those chairs Lucky 13 set up, and Lucky 13 hits a top rope DDT that sends Wrench mostly to the floor, barely touching one of the chairs and Lucky 13 kind of takes an awkward seat on the other chair. Wrench drops Lucky 13 spine first onto the ring apron. Lucky 13 sets up some chairs on the outside, which gives Wrench time to recover. On the outside, Lucky 13 throws Wrench into a chair set up in the corner of the guardrails and that was a pretty bad spot to take. Where is Danny Havoc? Shouldn't he be out here watching this match he made? Conor Claxton's nickname is "Wrench" and as such I shall call him that during the match. Lucky 13 has one long tights leg and one cut at the knee, yet he wears sneakers to make his in ring gear look like something between Zack Ryder (who has switched it up though) and Taka Michinoku. We went from Friday the 13th to Pi Day to the Ides of March to my sister's birthday to St. This came about last month at the "Sixteen" show, but it is worth noting that even though this match was on a show on Pi Day, it was also the day after a Friday the 13th, so you have to enjoy that.

Czw total havoc review trial#

Lucky 13 *Conor Claxton's Death Match Trial Series Match*

czw total havoc review

So apparently Alexander James wasn't recognized as the champion before but now Greg Excellent will be? Does that mean if James won he'd get his props? And what of Gulak? Should I just accept that he has moved onto bigger and better things?

czw total havoc review

After a body press and near fall, Greg Excellent hits a tigerdriver for the pin and win. Chrissy Rivera hits a nice tornado DDT on Alexander James. I mean, guys, Blue Meanie wears a shirt for a reason, right? Remember when Blue Meanie got really ripped? Or did I dream that? Greg Excellent puts his singlet back on, thankfully, and ends up outside on the security guys. James is not impressed with what seems like a comedy spot. I'm having flashbacks of Big Dick Johnson, who is a producer for Lucha Underground now. Greg Excellent takes his singlet down during the match and is stripped down to only his boots, knee pads and Flash underpants. or whatever his name was" and I laughed louder than I probably should have. When running down the names of those Alexander James has defeated one of the commentators says "Donovan Dijak. And, no, it's not like how Seth Rollins has Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury. I'm used to seeing the chickenshit heels have one bodyguard but two as sort of security is a nice touch.

czw total havoc review czw total havoc review

James' security guys get involved, as he came out with two of them and they have names but they're kind of like his bodyguards or whatever. Excellent tries for a suplex from the ring apron with James inside the ring but he can't get it so he ends up just slamming James into the ring. He hits a cannonball in the corner ala Kevin Owens to start the match with the advantage. He was absent from the last iPPV, so I'm not sure how we got from there to here and Greg Excellent gets a title shot and all that, but I'll just roll with the punches. Alexander James is the guy who came out at "To Live is To Die" to cut a promo and was subsequently beat down by Gulak. The name Greg Excellent sounds familiar, but I don't think I've ever seen him fight before. Greg Excellent (w/ Chrissy Rivera) *CZW Junior Heavyweight Title Match* Match One: Alexander James (Champion) vs. This could have come later on in the show to sort of calm down the crowd between main event matches, but I'm not booking this thing so why not open with the crowd seeing some familiar faces, right? "BLK OUT" chants as the locker room surrounds the ring. The show opens with Ruckus and Robbie Mireno being inducted into the CZW Hall of Fame.

Czw total havoc review